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Week 19 Newsletter

Posted Date: 12/16/24 (3:19 AM)

Week 19 Newsletter
December 16-20, 2024
Dear Mountain Families,

It's hard to believe that on 12/20 our school year will be exactly half over- we will have completed 90 out of 180 school days. The time has flown by!
I'm so grateful for the amazing team of educators at Mountain and the engaged, caring community who supports our work with students.

However you celebrate, I hope the holidays are filled with joy and laughter and many happy memories. Enjoy your break!

Warm regards,

Megan Tresham, Superintendent
Holiday Spirit Week
Monday 12/16 Dress Like A Staff Member Day
Tuesday 12/17 Holiday Colors
Wednesday 12/18 Holiday Hair
Thursday 12/19 Fancy Day: Sparkle and Shine
Friday 12/20 PJ Day
Upcoming Events
12/16: Budget Advisory Committee @ 3:30
12/18: Student Band Performance @ 11:15
12/18:Board Meeting @ 6 p.m.
12/20: Early Release Day (Wednesday Schedule)
12/21-1/6: Winter Break
Drop Off and Pick Up Reminders
When dropping off your students in the morning, please do not leave your car in the drive aisle for any reason. If you need to get out of your car, please find a parking space.

Additionally, in the afternoon the drive aisle is for pick-up only. You may not park in the drive aisle or leave your car unattended. This causes traffic to back up onto Old San Jose Rd. and is a safety hazard. We will bring your student to you and help load them in the car. If you have care givers or grandparents who help with pick-up, please pass along this message. Thank you for your cooperation.
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