Governor Brown signed Senate Bill (SB) 277 on June 30, 2015. Starting in 2016, SB 277 will:
No longer permit immunization exemptions based on personal beliefs for children in child care and public and private schools;
Permit personal belief exemptions submitted before January 1, 2016 to remain valid until a pupil reaches kindergarten or 7th grade;
Remove immunization requirements for:
Students in home-based private schools
Students enrolled in an independent study program who do not receive classroom-based instruction
Access to special education and related services specified in an individualized education program
Students in the above categories will still need to provide immunization records to their schools before entry, and schools will still need to report to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) the immunization status of all students at the existing checkpoints of child care, kindergarten and 7th grade.
Allow medical and personal beliefs exemptions from any new immunization requirement initiated by CDPH for attendance at school or child care.
Immunization Requirements for School Admission
Shots for Schools
Additional information about the implementation of SB 277 will become available by 2016.