Mountain Elementary School District offers many opportunities for parents/guardians to provide insights and supports on the governance and operations of the school. We are looking for representatives to serve on these three committees. Each Committee meets approximately 4 times a year. Please let me know if you are interested in serving for the 2024-25 school year.
School Site Council/Parent Advisory Committee
The School Site Council/Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is composed of teachers, parents, staff, and community members. The purpose of this group is to provide input on our Local Control Accountability Plan and other important plans, actions and decisions relevant to the running of the school district. The PAC also focused on the importance of Diversity and Inclusion as well as ensuring our Visual and Performing Arts and other programs are thriving.
First Meeting is October 9, 6-7:30 p.m.
Board Committees
Mountain Elementary School has Board-sanctioned committees, Budget and Safety & Facilities. Parents play an important role in these committees along with members of the board,and certificated and classified staff.
Budget: This committee meets four times a year to review the district budget and to discuss impending legislation and other potential issues related to school funding. Members learn the ins and outs of school finance to learn how and why decisions are made.
First meeting is September 23, 3:30-4:30 via zoom.
Safety & Facilities: This committee meets four times a year to discuss facilities projects and repairs and to review and give feedback on our Comprehensive School Safety Plan.
First meeting is September 24, 3:30-4:30 via zoom.