Dear Mountain,
After consulting with Santa Cruz County Public Health and the Santa Cruz County Office of Education, we have made the decision to close school tomorrow to get ahead of the multiple illnesses that are impacting our students and staff (norovirus and respiratory illness).
School will reopen Tuesday, January 21.
Monday is a holiday.
If your student develops any symptoms of gastro-intestinal illness (vomiting, diarrhea), flu-like symptoms (cough, body aches, etc.) or a fever, please let me know. We are closely tracking symptoms across all classes and sharing info with Public Health.. Please review the attached info on both the norovirus and the respiratory flu. Please err of the side of caution when determining whether your student is well enough to return to school onTuesday. Feel free to reach out and we can provide guidance.
Thank you for your support and understanding. We are committed to making decisions that are in the best interest of our students and staff. Health and safety is paramount!
Be well,